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OSCAR, the Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter

OSCAR, the Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter

~ Official Download Page ~

This is a Release for:
OSCAR 1.6.0

OSCAR is PC software developed for reviewing and exploring data produced by CPAP and related machines used in the treatment of sleep apnea. OSCAR never asks for payment-- It is free and always will be free. If you like OSCAR, please consider donating to Apnea Board to help offset additional server costs

Select your Operating System

Windows 7/8/10/11

Windows install instructions

32 bit: OSCAR-1.6.0-Win32.exe
64 bit: OSCAR-1.6.0-Win64.exe

macOS 10.13 High Sierra or higher

macOS install instructions

Mac: OSCAR-1.6.0.dmg

Debian and Ubuntu Linux

Linux file locations used by OSCAR have changed. We recommend removing older versions of OSCAR (including -rc and -test versions) before installation. See the Installation Wiki for specific instructions

Debian 32 bit:
Debian 10: oscar-1.6.0-Debian10_i386.deb
Debian 11: oscar-1.6.0-Debian11_i386.deb
Debian 12: oscar-1.6.0-Debian12_i386.deb

Debian 64 bit:
Debian 10: oscar-1.6.0-Debian10_amd64.deb
Debian 11: oscar-1.6.0-Debian11_amd64.deb
Debian 12: oscar-1.6.0-Debian12_amd64.deb

Ubuntu 18.04: oscar-1.6.0-Ubuntu18_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 20.04: oscar-1.6.0-Ubuntu20_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 22.04: oscar-1.6.0-Ubuntu22_amd64.deb
Ubuntu 24.04: oscar-1.6.0-Ubuntu24_amd64.deb

Chromebook AMD64 and ARM64

See the Wiki for Chromebook instructions

Debian 10: oscar-1.6.0-Debian10_amd64.deb
Debian 11: oscar-1.6.0-Debian11_amd64.deb
Debian 12: oscar-1.6.0-Debian12_amd64.deb

Debian 10: oscar-1.6.0-Debian10_arm64.deb
Debian 11: oscar-1.6.0-Debian11_arm64.deb
Debian 12: oscar-1.6.0-Debian12_arm64.deb

RasPiOS 32bit and 64bit

RasPiOS install instructions

32 bit:
RasPiOS 11: oscar-1.6.0-RasPiOS-11_armhf.deb
RasPiOS 12: oscar-1.6.0-RasPiOS-12_armhf.deb

64 bit:
RasPiOS 12: oscar-1.6.0-RasPiOS-12_arm64.deb

General help documents for installing and using OSCAR

OSCAR Installation and Data Migration Guide

Running OSCAR for the first time

OSCAR Help Wiki

OSCAR - The Guide

SHA256 Checksums for all installers


OSCAR, the Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter

This is a major release of OSCAR. We recommend upgrading to this version.

OSCAR is an acronym that stands for, "Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter". OSCAR provides for the viewing of the high-resolution sleep data that is generated by the CPAP and stored on the SD card. OSCAR converts this data to graph form allowing the user to view this data down to a breath by breath level. OSCAR is free to use and is compiled in formats that will operate on Mac, Linux, and Windows. OSCAR can be downloaded from It is this information that enables you to provide data for discussion with your doctor and/or to view and optimize your personal therapy.

OSCAR is also used by many physicians and therapists who consult with patients, and by medical researchers comparing patient/machine responses across multiple platforms. OSCAR provides visual and statistical data details and enables comparisons across machine types and manufacturers, that are not available from proprietary manufacturer software and data products. Professionals who rely on OSCAR to provide research and to serve patient needs will lose this valuable resource if data becomes inaccessible, or only available through the manufacturer's data products.

Changes and fixes in OSCAR v1.6.0
Portions of OSCAR are © 2019-2024 by The OSCAR Team

  • [added] Support for the iBreeze 30ST/A.
  • [added] Support for the Resmed AirCurve 11 Series.
  • [added] Support for the Viatom/Wellue O2Ring-S model
  • [added] Native File Dialogs on Windows
  • [added] Warning message when no cpap data and validate oximeter data.
  • [added] Option to disable Daily Graph Titles.
  • [added] Restore last used CSV export data folder.
  • [added] PRS1 Handle Empty SD cards property file if backup file.
  • [added] Scroll bars when required to the Preferences menu.
  • [updated] French Translations.
  • [updated] Resvent Loader.
  • [updated] Resmed A11 verified model list.
  • [updated] Notify Messages with a MessageBox that expires.
  • [fix] No name in user profile - user unable to access data.
  • [fix] Daily Search: Add search at first install.
  • [fix] Statistics: Prevent Data Range from listing future dates.
  • [fix] Correct validation for Language and Help files.
  • [fix] Profile: Height Metric - Imperial conversion.
  • [fix] Fix Import Journal - issue 108.
  • [fix] English Grammar - Oximeter Wizard Menu.
  • [fix] Last Used Oximeter Folder.
  • [fix] Keyboard navigation to work with bookmarks.
  • [fix] Crash during change of high resolution checkbox.
  • [fix] ClockDrift issue in TimeAtPressure Graph.
  • [fix] Crash due to loader not found.
  • [fix] Display error message instead of crashing.

Changes and fixes in OSCAR v1.5.3
Portions of OSCAR are © 2019-2024 by The OSCAR Team

  • [fix] No name in user profile - user unable to access data.
  • [fix] Daily Search: Add search at first install.
  • [fix] Statistics: Prevent Data Range from listing future dates.
  • [fix] Correct validation for Language and Help files.
  • [added] Daily Search Item: Search for any Journal item (notes, bookmarks, weight, feelings).
  • [added] Import(restore) Journal.
  • [added] Configurable Daily Left Side Bar.
Changes and fixes in OSCAR v1.5.2
Portions of OSCAR are © 2019-2024 by The OSCAR Team
  • [fix] VHigh Resolution Control File Location. Now in Oscar Data Folder.
  • [fix] Statistics: Add configuration of alternating colored lines background.
  • [fix] Viatom/Wellue file extension (.dat) was preventing the name from changing the start time
  • [fix] Time display issues encountered when summer time is changed to winter time.
  • [fix] Statistics display mode is now restored when Oscar starts.
  • [fix] Change Language.
  • [fix] iBreeze loader - Various fixes.
  • [fix] Snore Events were lost when sessions had a single snore event.
  • [fix] Graphs were dropped when Oscar was restarted after import.
  • [fix] Prisma pressure settings in the Daily screen now display whole numbers.
  • [fix] OSCAR - automatic reload when parameter changes encountered.
  • [added] Allow renaming of a user profile.
  • [added] Graphs hints at bottom of Daily and Overview Tabs.
  • [added] Statistics:added alternating light green/white background colors for rows.
  • [added] Enhanced and Fixed html zoom in/out feature.
  • [update] Biometrics settings.
  • [update] iBreeze loader: Added progress bar.
  • [update] Statistics Screen - Various improvements.
  • [update] Added Resmed AirSense 11 model #39520 to the recognition list.
  • [update] Renamed Resmed machine type from BiPAP to BiLevel.

For a list of all Release Notes in OSCAR click on Help / About OSCAR / Release Notes

Many of the changes that have occurred have resulted from input from you, the users of OSCAR. Keep them coming in.

As of Oct.4,2024 - New OSCAR Repository

Source code:

The OSCAR team is a group of volunteer developers from the Apnea Community and are members from multiple forums and nationalities.

OSCAR is always looking for help: programmers, testers, or translators.
Send a private message to 'Crimson Nape' on the Apnea Board Forum if you are interested. is the official CPAP and sleep apnea file-hosting site for